Thursday, October 3, 2019

Two Effects on Germany of Second World War

  1. To main effects on Germany of Second World War:-
  2. Consequence of Second World War the four vitreous power like Soviet Union America Britain and France to complete hold of Germany.
  3. Existence project on a larger scale where launched for the reconstruction.

When and by whom was the Munich pact signed

Munich pact watch sign at Manich in Germany in September 1938 it was signed by Hitler and Mussolini on the one side and prime minister of France and Britain on the other

What were the causes of the rise of Nazim in Germany

  1. The Government of Germany became weak her defeat in the world war first it created the feeling of dissatisfaction among the people.
  2. The German wear scared of The spread of communism and where in favour of anti communist government so they wanted to bring Hitler in power.

What inspired Hitler to wrest Sudetenland breaking Munich pact

  1. Heavy industries were installed in a new manner in this area of Czechoslovakia.
  2.  This reason of Soviet Union important for what purpose and expansion of Germany for Germany.
  3. About 30 lacs German people lived in this region the biggest industry of War materials of the world was found here.

Nazims or Nazi government

Nazi movement aur Nazim was an external dictatorial moment headed by Hitler the moment prevailed in Germany and Hitler become a tyrant Najim was against democracy and in favour of abolishing all kind of parliament institution it followed the theory of one man one party

Name the countries which were occupied by Germany between 1937 to 1939

 Germany occupied Rhineland in March 1936. Austria in March 1938. Sudetenland in September, Czechoslovakia in March 1939 and Poland in September 1939

Two reason which led to rise of Hitler in power

  1. Germany was defeated in first world war Hitler provoked the Germans sentiment he use this for his rise.
  2. The German were against communism so they were in favour of a government which was against communism

Axis powers

 The alliance of Germany Italy and Japan against the allies is known to be Axis power during the Second World War

two political ambition of Adolf Hitler

  1. Hitler wanted Germany to be a great power of the world.
  2. Is ambition watch to win in the whole Europe.

Advice given by Mahatma Gandhi to Adolf Hitler

We have found in nonviolence Air Force which if organised can without doubt match itself against a combination of all the most violent forces in the world

National socialism

 According to the energy it was different from big capitalism or American economic system and bolshevism or Marxist economic system.

Evacuation of Nazi

Evacuation mint deporting people to gas chamber

when was Nazi youth League established and by which name was it known after 4 years

The youth League of the Nazi was founded in 1922 and four years later it was named Hitler youth


This means that the section of society have become impoverished to the level of working classes


 A situation when prices rise phenomenally high is known as hyperinflation

November criminals

 Those who supported the the weimar Republic many socialist Catholic and democratic were called the November criminals

Which country was called the allies in second world war

 England France and Russia

Why was International military Court established in Nuremberg

 It was established to prosecute the Nazi war criminals for the crime again peace for war crimes and crimes against humanity


The community lived in separately mark areas from other community is known as Ghettoes


The group that were classified as Gypsy had there own community identity sinti and Roma where two such communities

Nordic German Aryans

 One branch of Aryans who lived in North European countries and had German origin

Concentration camp

A camp where people where isolated and detained without process of law. Typically it was surrounded by electrified barbed wire fances


 Specific type of message directly aimed at influence the opinion of people through the use of posters banners films and a speech age is known as propaganda

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

What do you know about Kulaks

In Russian the pigeons who wear in wale to do condition are known as Kulaks. Stalin during his 10 year forced all his pigeons to cultivate in collective for me eliminating Kulaks

What is Duma

 Unelected consultative parliament in Russian was called it was granted by the Tsar during 1905 revolution

Who was Lenin

 He was the leader of the the bolshevik party in Russia

Who was marfa vasileva

She was brave worker a milling machine operator who single handedly organise a successful Strike

When did the Russian tsar Nicholas II resign

He Resign on March 2, 1917

Russian cavalry refuse to fire on the demonstrators

Because they wear pride of the illegal action of the Tsar Nicholas II

Why are non Russian unhappy by Tsar Nicholas II

Non Russian were  unhappy by Tsar Nicholas II due to imposition of Russian language of on them.
This was an effort to in their culture

Which countries are known as Central power

 Germany Austria and Turkey Where are known as Central powers

Achievements of the Russian Revolution

  1.  New socialist pattern:- this pattern started to establish new socialist from of society in Russia Russian Revolution.
  2.  Empowered Russian:- Russian Revolution made russia a powerful state. Russian son become the great power of the world.

Two social and religious reformers of India who talked about the significance and affect the French Revolution

  1. Raja RamMohan Roy
  2. Derozio


A person who is forced to live away from Once own country is called Exile

April Theses

Three demands of Lenin's April Theses:-

  1.  The war be brought to a close.
  2.  Land be transferred to the peasants.
  3.   Bank be Nationalised

Three demands of Lenin's April Theses

Three demands of Lenin's April Theses:-

  1.  The war be brought to a close.
  2.  Land be transferred to the peasants.
  3.   Bank be Nationalised


Lifestyle in which people do not stay in one place for a longer period to get their livelihood. They move one place to another to earn their living

Who were liberals

 Liberals were those leaders who took charge of Congress in the initial stage of freedom movement from 1885 to 1905. Among the liberal leaders where Dadabhai naoroji Firoz Shah Mehta Surendra Nath Banerjee Gopal Krishna Gokhale and MG Ranade

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What was an important purpose of directory in France

 the main purpose of directory was to have safeguard against the concentration of power in one man as cute as under the jacobins

What is meant by the world convention

 on 21st September 1792 to a newly elected assembly called the convention abolished the monarchy and declared France a Republic in which there is no hereditary monarchy

what is the meaning of the Guillotine

the Guillotine is a device consisting of two poles and a blade with which a person is beheaded it was named after Guillotine who invented it

What was the reason Fortress prison people broke into

 a group of 700 people broken into the Fortress Prison in France

Name of the the fortress prison where people broke into

 it was the capital Paris known as bestille where the hope to find hoarded ammunition

who wrote an influential pamphlet called what is the third estate

And Siege wrote what is the third estate

how many people were gathered in front of the town hall who decided to form a people's militia

 about 7000 men and women gathered in front of the town hall and decided to form a people's militia

where was the French Revolution begun

The French revolution was begun Paris town

when was the French Revolution begun

 the French revolution was begun 14th July 1789

which three idea where put forward by the French Revolution


name of three events which are important in the making of the modern world

 the French Revolution
 the Russian Revolution
the rise of Nazism

What is meant by subsistence crisis

An extreme situation where the basic mean of livelihood are endangered is subsistence crisis

What is called Taille

 attacks which is directly paid to the state is called Taille

What is meant by tithe

Tithe was a kind of tax Levied by the church which was usually one tenth of the agriculture produce

When was levers abolished

 liver was abolished in 1794

What is livers

A unit of French currency

Louis 16 which family did he belong.

Louis 16 belongs to the Bourbon family.

In which age Louis 16 asked the throne of France in 1774

Louis 16 advanced the throne of France in 1774 at the age of twenty.